
From 2016 we are serving our clients to our best possible way of digital marketing strategies Facebook ad being the highest in generating revenue for our clients. Digital Marketing Sales Funnel is the most important phase where most of the business owners have lackings. Here in https://mithunsamanta.com we help business owners to scale their business model with our various Affordable Digital Marketing services.

Mithun Samanta

Our Approach to Digital Marketing is Centered Around Learning & Growing With Your Users & Revenue

Throughout the journey you will come to know how step by step marketing strategies can help you grow your revenue and customer base as we did so with our existing clients.

So many new things are coming now a days in the form of new invention and evolution. It is nearly impossible for any newbie business owner to implement all the business tools that are necessary for his business to thrive. Here we discuss what tool is important for you and what you can utilise free of cost.

This is how we help our clients starting from website building to marketing your message infront of your target customers.


Our Values

We only promise that thing what we can be able to convey. There is a saying that your value is directly proportional to your revenue growth. That’s why we focus only to provide quality service to our clients not quantity.


Our Ethics


We work hard for your project and promise the best possible timing to deliver your project after finishing it within certain timeframe given.

It is only possible because our team is working for you even when you are sleeping.



Education is the number one key to remain sustainable even when there is no scope of improvement. 

In such a time we have to update with existing systems. 

We invest 15% of what we get paid for serving our clients for the sake of remaining up to date.





We all know a popular term and that is consistency is the mother of mastery. So far we have been distracted from our core target many times.

But single focus and persistence matter the most for completing any client’s project that is in our hand.

Consistency is applicable everywhere in every part of life. Concentration of effort is the other word that I would like to add. Single focus in completing any project is really important and we focus on that particular area.



What We Do Best

Facebook Ad

Youtube Ad

Website Design

E-Learning Project creation


Email Marketing


Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build This Thing Together!